For those interested in how the ManyStory Approach that I outline in Shifting Stories may be applied to coaching, I have developed a short (two hour) workshop.
This consists of a brief introduction to the main ideas of the approach; a case study (the story of Julia, featured in the book, and in a video, here) and then a practical exercise in which participants work in pairs, one coaching the other, using this exercise. We conclude with a review of their experience of practicing it, and a discussion of any questions, and application ideas.
I have run this several times now, for groups of coaches at the Association for Coaches (Newcastle Branch), for internal coaches at Durham University, for members of Cumbria Coaching Network, and on a number of other occasions.
The feedback has been universally positive, with comments such as:
'Thank you for last evening... a fascinating and well-constructed session. People appreciated being able to practice it so easily, and saw its applicability. One of the most engaging 'in-put' sessions we have had and the quality of support materials was excellent.'
'I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed last night, and how well I found the Shifting Stories approach worked for me in the coaching practice. I've started reading your book and am finding it a pleasure to read, adding more depth to what you could cover in a short presentation. Thanks again!'
'Thanks for your input last night at the Newcastle AC event. Really interesting perspective and a useful tool.'
So if you organise CPD or similar events for coaches, and would be interested in exploring this approach, please get in touch. For organisations such as the EMCC, AC etc, I am happy to do this pro bono.